Friday, 29 November 2013

A Celebration

Yesterday I finished my first novel, which has yet to be titled, at around 50,060 words. No, it is not finished, but its incompleteness is terminated, if this makes any sense at all.
It will always be a work in progress, and although I have left NaNoWriMo feeling satisfied and excited for what lies ahead, it will take a very long time, possibly forever, for this story, or any story I write, to be complete.
As a celebration of its first stage of completeness, I would like to discuss a few things here. This will be a very personal post, so feel free to brush it off as just that, but this is something I need to write, to get out there, because it makes me so very incredibly happy.

I have always wanted to be a writer, for as long as I can remember. But for me, it was always akin to what a career in dancing was: a far off, imaginative idealistic prospective. Therefore, as I fell victim to the tragedy of growing up and the systematic soul crushing of the school system, I lost sight of it. I stopped writing, stopped creating worlds and people and situations out of nothing, out of my imagination. I began exploring other career options and other options to study in school, getting so ahead of myself and preemptively crushing the flame of my dreams before they had had a chance to try to burst into a wildfire.

NaNoWriMo has taught me about myself in that it has shown me how I come into my own while writing. It has shown me that the seemingly impossible idea of writing a novel, such an absolutely huge prospect, is completely manageable. And while working on my story, reading the pep talks, and drowning myself in John Green (vlogbrothers) youtube videos, it dawned on me. Slowly, like how the sky lightens at sunrise.

I could do this with my life.

I learned, up here in my attic drowned in words and music and inspiration, that this is what makes me happy. The absolute ease of writing, even though it seems next to impossible sometimes. But it's worth it for those moments of sheer genius when the words flood through my fingers like they were possessed by something larger than myself, and I am able to create, something I always craved but was unable to achieve through dance or school or anything else. Don't get me wrong, there are still millions of other things I want to do with my time on this earth. But I know now.

I know it will be hard, seemingly unmanagably hard sometimes, but it will be possible. I know now that there isn't much in the world that makes me happier than holing up in a tiny apartment with tea and music and the world and characters I create out of nothing. There is a power in that, a power to reach people in a way I cannot verbally.

I am so thankful to have discovered this, this epiphany or enlightenment or whatever you should call it. And I am thankful to have each and every one of you along with me for this crazy adventure.

Love always,

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Writing Music

I passed 40,000 words this morning!!
This is the tip of week four.
My novel writing month is coming to a close.
I honestly don't know what I would have done this November without NaNoWriMo.
I want to send out a huge thanks to the organizers of this amazing program, thank you for saving me from a certain death by monotony and grey skies.
I've been very inspired by music while writing this novel (who isn't?), and I really wanted to share with you guys some parts of my novel without giving away any spoilers, so I was thinking I would make a writing playlist blog post. Of course, I've been listening to millions of songs throughout all the different parts of this novel, but some songs I hear very eerily fit with the story, and are songs I could imagine as a soundtrack to it. So without further ado, here is my story so far in songs!

Passenger Seat- Death Cab for Cutie

This is The Beginning- Boy

Boats and Birds- Gregory and the Hawk

We Might be Dead by Tomorrow- SOKO

Drive Darling- Boy

July- Boy

Summer Skin- Death Cab for Cutie

Don't Swallow the Cap and Start a War- The National

Your New Twin Sized Bed- Death Cab for Cutie

Atlas Hands- Benjamin Francis Leftwich

Home- Gabrielle Aplin

This is obviously just the tip of the iceberg, but wanted to give a teeny bit of insight! Make what you will of it . :)

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Updates and Happier Things

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
Let's now focus on happier things.
Let's start wiiiiiiittthhhhhh.......
top 10 pinterest photos!

Feast those eyeballs.

Okay, now onto the second point.

I plan to write a post dedicated to this subject entirely when I am feeling less tired and negative, but I am past 35,000 words and feeling great about this adventure. Hence my blog absence, please forgive me!

Thirdly, I'M COMING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS ON DECEMBER 22ND!!! #dies #cries #diesagain

Lastly, here is a photo and a song that reminds me of a very dear friend whom I've been missing recently.

Love always and sorry for my haphazardness,


Crappy Days Are Here Again

Ah, November.
I had escaped your wrath for nineteen days.
I danced around visiting my dad, visiting London, writing a novel, and decorating my apartment for christmas listening to christmas music.
I refused to realize it was November.
And November is a cursed month.
And so begins the very unfortunate tale of the daughter tickets and aubervilliers.

This story begins when a young and happy au pair bought a ticket to see one of her favourite bands: Daughter. She jumped for joy when the announcement graced her facebook homepage with a swish and she hopped on her laptop and pressed deliver to my address.

Oh, how wrong she was. A few weeks later, before the tickets had been dispatched, she moved across town. Oh, it's okay, she thought, I will just go down to the ticket office and pick them up.

She forgot about the tickets as October came and went, and then an email popped into her inbox, telling her to phone the company which we shall now refer to as... ***thinks of villainous names*** The Evil Vendor of Death.

So phone them she did... or attempted to. See, the girl had no phone, so she called them whenever she had a chance at her new employer's house. But each time she was greeted with the message No one is here to speak to you right now. Please call again later.

So she tried, with no avail, to find an address for The Evil Vendor of Death.

Finally, in a fit of sheer desperation, she tried calling them one last time.

And got through! They instructed her to travel forty five minutes to a cryptic location to retrieve her prized billet. Thinking she wouldn't have time, she begged to leave work early, and was rewarded with the golden YES!!!

Ecstatic, she bounded out the door, across three different metro lines, to the terminus station in the dreaded town of Aubervilliers. It was warehouses, construction sites, and terrifying personages as she wandered the pitch black streets in the pouring rain and blistering winds.

She thought she was on the right track, and followed the map she had drawn so neatly back in the warm apartment.

Now, either The Evil Vendor of Death's offices use black magic to conceal themselves or Aubervilliers is really a haunted place where dreams go to die, but the girl wandered for half an hour until her clock rang out the heartbreaking hour of the offices' closing time.


1. Never buy tickets from The Evil Vendor of Death
2. Never have tickets mailed to you.
3. If you do, and you move, GO ON A MANHUNT FOR THE VENDOR'S OFFICES EVERY SINGLE DAY. YOU WILL FIND THEM. (Or you will have more luck than an hour before the concert, in the pouring rain and absolute darkness).

And now, dear readers, I retire to my apartment void of Daughter's beautiful voice, watching New Girl, eating chocolate waffles and drinking tea.

But hey.

Shitty things happen sometimes.

At least there are only ten (gasp) more days in the wretched November.

This too shall pass.

Love always,

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Rainy Camden Days

Hello lovelies,

This Friday I popped over to London on the coach to visit my lovely aunt, uncle, and two little cousins. It was a wonderfully spontaneous visit after my dad left post-4 day visit. Spending a long weekend surrounded by british things, my aunt's amazing home cooking (I arrived to a ready-for-the-oven vegetarian lasagna), warm baths, cuddles with the little ones, a sunshiny park visit, and of course, gallivanting in London, was just what I needed to cure the November-and-my-dad-went-home blues.

On Saturday, I popped over to Camden to explore the Camden Town, Camden Lock, and other numerous and confusingly-named markets in the area. Camden is an area I've always wanted to visit but never seem to get around to going to, and I'm glad I saved it for a day when I had three hours to wander. It is a place I could easily spend days getting lost in, and I feel like it suits me perfectly. The day was surrounded by the kind of warm fuzzies that make you want to hug random strangers. Not like that's a good idea or anything.

I wandered through the market stalls sipping the most amazing latte, eating a cupcake, looking at cutesy decor and cool screen-print t-shirts, going ga-ga over the new doc martens (kill me now) (or maybe don't in case one day I can afford them), and later sipping a perfect cup of mulled wine as I made my way through old bookshops (I found a secondhand The Beautiful and Damned for three pounds).

Here are some pics!

Excited to see my lovely parisiennes after I return home tomorrow!

Love always,

Saturday, 2 November 2013


StreetStyle look 2013-10-31 France Paris

I feel very parisienne right now ;) The website is really cool, full of wearable and unique street style inspiration. Check it out!