Thursday, 15 August 2013

England Day 7 & 8: The Fair, Things I Miss, and Bourjois

Hello all,

Yesterday I visited the fair with a lovely chap. Man had I missed Freak Out. It's basically like Crazy Beach Party at Playland in Vancouver, except like way scarier.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:

So yeah we rode that 3 times and another more motion-sicky one once. I was dizzy for like three hours but it was great.

Feeling a bit homesick since the last two days have been fairly quiet apart from that, although my mum, brother, aunt, and cousins are scheduled to arrive in 35 minutes. So I decided to compile a list of things I miss about Vancouver.

1. English Bay mornings. There is something so different about Vancouver's beaches, and English Bay in the morning was the quietest, most peaceful of my city pastimes. The deserted beach with an iced coffee in hand laying on a blanket with the sun beaming straight into your skin... ahhh.
2. Nice people. I know, if you live in Vancouver you'll be like, "WHAAAT, PEOPLE HERE ARE SO RUDE." To which I respond: "You must have only lived in Vancouver." There is something so genuine about all the different people in VanCity, every neighbourhood with its distinct groups. I've found that here, everyone is completely self-involved and self-protective. I miss exchanging smiles with random strangers and being able to cross the street without being a target of ragey drivers. Here, judgemental looks and disapprovement abound.
3. Which brings me to my third item: pedestrian right-of-way. It's super strange to have to give the right of way to vehicles. Strange and annoying.
4. Healthy food. This is contradictory because I love british food so much, but I do miss health consciousness.
5. Everyone. I miss being able to see all of you. Of course.
6. My house, my bunny, my own bed.
7. Starbucks.
8. Commercial & Gastown. Two neighbourhoods that are definitely not to be found in South Devon.

I guess I just miss the essence of Vancouver. It's definitely not until you leave a place or a person that you realize its/their true value.

On a lighter note, purchased my first Bourjois cosmetics product today, and holy mother of god. I was tempted to get an eye shadow too, but I always blow way too much money at Boots.
Here is their baked blush in 34, Golden Rose.

So that is all folks. Mum, Bryn, Aunt, and cousins arrived today. Much noise and excitement ensues.

Love always,

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