Sunday, 22 September 2013

Saturdays Like These

Thanks to obligatory babysitting last night and a scratchy throat, I'm having a beautifully quiet morning.
I've been surrounded by such absolute positivity since my last post and would like to thank each one of you who took the time to like, comment, or message me in the past couple days. I know it sounds cheesy but you really all keep me going sometimes.

-happy things in a foreign land part two-

1. Buying a kettle. I can now make tea in. My. Room. From a kettle. I swear it tastes different.
2. Blooms.
3. House (room) cleaning. I swear every inch of scrubbed surface and decluttered space clears an inch of my mind. *room tour coming soon*
4. Vintage shopping. This is my plan for the afternoon, and the prospect of treasures always brings a different kind of happiness. Let alone Parisian treasures.
5. Discovering new music. I recently (this morning) discovered Mike Dignam, and I will link my favourite songs below. They really resonate with me, and make you feel like just not caring about anything that weighs you down and inspires you to do happy things.

Post tomorrow re: this weekend. Again, I cannot express my thanks for the people in my life right now. I am so lucky to have all of you. Thanks for making me feel human.

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