I was fortunate enough to be able to fly home over the Christmas holidays to see my friends, family, and beloved Vancouver. One thing that had been on my mind in the weeks leading up to my much anticipated date of departure was a question. The question was whether or not I had romanticized the place, if in fact it would be as breathtaking as I remembered it being, having been starved of its natural beauty (mountains, ocean, space to move, sprawling beaches) for almost five months. And the answer was a resounding no. I stood on the West Vancouver Seawall and just stared out at the ocean, the protruding tree-covered point of UBC and the way the ocean reflected the greyish sun through the thick blanket of clouds. And even though in that moment I wanted nothing more than to stay, just for a little longer, I was happy. Because I know that when I return to Vancouver next year I will not take it for granted, I will walk the seawall and stare at the waves and drive up the mountain as much as is physically possible. What a place to be able to call home. So, without further ado, here is a roundup of some of my favourite moments from my trip home.

December 23rd: Up, up, and away!
Grande Extra Hot Eggnog Latte in Heathrow during my four hour layover.
December 24th: Tree Decorating!
December 25th: Beautiful Stanley Park Seawall Walks
Christmas Dinner Time!
December 26th (I think!) Capilano Suspension Bridge Lights with Jessi and her lovely grandpa!
December 27th: The Extremely Long-Awaited Acme and Beach Date with Derrick.
This guy is nothing short of incredible.
December 28th: Grandpa visits!
Beautiful West Van Seawall From Some Day in There!
December 30th: Poetry Slam!
December 31st: Early Birthday and Goodbyes!
Off Again
One Last Grace Face!
A huge thank you to the wonderful people who made this trip home possible. I will attack the next six months in Paris and travelling with a renewed gusto. (After I kick this annoying cold.)
Love always,
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