Tuesday, 11 February 2014

The Happy List: February

Because positivity.

1. The first sip of tea descending into the depths of my stomach, warming me from the inside out after a long day at work.

2. The way the steam from my mug curls around the cold morning air in my studio on a lazy Sunday when I have nowhere to be.

3. Wandering new parts of Paris and being overcome by awe all over again.

4. Seeing couples kiss in the Tuileries.

5. When the Eiffel Tower takes me by surprise. Also watching the reflection of its sparkle in the window of the building across from mine. But then realizing that I missed out on a full view of the Eiffel Tower by about 100 meters and a 90 degree rotation of my window.

6. Dressing up despite the weather and despite having nowhere to go.

7.  Getting Starbucks vias in the mail with a Valentine's Day Snoopy card complete with two sheets of Snoopy stickers. (Thanks mum <3 )

8. Nesting. Seriously, if this whole writing thing doesn't work out, maybe I'll become an interior decorator for 14 square meter apartments. Niche?

9. Catching glimpses of the two framed photos that sit on my desk: my little cousins and my soulmate and I back in the summer. It's reassuring to know that that restaurant is still there, that our summer will roll around again.

10. Anticipating traveling. And of course traveling itself.

11. Discovering the best 8tracks. Here is the one I'm listening to as I write this: http://8tracks.com/jooos/waiting-for-spring

12. When ma petite fille and I have grand adventures to Luxembourg Gardens or to Strasbourg Saint-Denis to collect vegetables from bearded hipsters in a hidden side street.

That's all for now folks. I've moved my laptop under my window but it's all fogged up. Nevertheless, I will try to get some writing done. With the assistance of copious amounts of tea.

Love always,

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