Sunday 10 November 2013

Rainy Camden Days

Hello lovelies,

This Friday I popped over to London on the coach to visit my lovely aunt, uncle, and two little cousins. It was a wonderfully spontaneous visit after my dad left post-4 day visit. Spending a long weekend surrounded by british things, my aunt's amazing home cooking (I arrived to a ready-for-the-oven vegetarian lasagna), warm baths, cuddles with the little ones, a sunshiny park visit, and of course, gallivanting in London, was just what I needed to cure the November-and-my-dad-went-home blues.

On Saturday, I popped over to Camden to explore the Camden Town, Camden Lock, and other numerous and confusingly-named markets in the area. Camden is an area I've always wanted to visit but never seem to get around to going to, and I'm glad I saved it for a day when I had three hours to wander. It is a place I could easily spend days getting lost in, and I feel like it suits me perfectly. The day was surrounded by the kind of warm fuzzies that make you want to hug random strangers. Not like that's a good idea or anything.

I wandered through the market stalls sipping the most amazing latte, eating a cupcake, looking at cutesy decor and cool screen-print t-shirts, going ga-ga over the new doc martens (kill me now) (or maybe don't in case one day I can afford them), and later sipping a perfect cup of mulled wine as I made my way through old bookshops (I found a secondhand The Beautiful and Damned for three pounds).

Here are some pics!

Excited to see my lovely parisiennes after I return home tomorrow!

Love always,

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