Friday 21 March 2014

Updates: Three More Months, University, Nostalgia

So an acoustic version of Trojans by Atlas Genius just came on my 8tracks, which naturally spurred a bout of nostalgia. Which of coursed progressed to me opening up blogger and deciding to spew my feels at you. Deal.

(Sips Glitter and Gold DavidsTea. Excellent.)

So there are 107 days left of my Paris adventure. Which is all at once terrifying and comforting and depressing and just weird. Because I remember coming here in August and being like ten months. Ten months seems like an awful long time. Especially with no friends or family or anything familiar at all. But I soon met some of my dearest friends and went on some grand adventures and began to travel the world and all of a sudden the new year was upon us, then February was over, and then yesterday I go on google and it's like happy first day of spring. And I have to pause and register how fast time goes by. Which is sometimes a comforting feeling, in all honesty. Because I love Paris, I really do, and I know as soon as I leave I will miss it. When I'm stuck in a boring part-time job working my ass off in school I will miss it, and my freedom, and walking by Madeleine every day. But for the time being, it's comforting to know, in the back of my mind, that there is a finish line. And at that finish line will be all the people I miss so very dearly. And even temporarily, I will be able to spend days upon days wrapped up in their warmth, never once feeling lonely or scared. Because it gets lonely and scary living on your own four thousand miles away sometimes.

I feel so very far from that girl working at the pet store saving her pennies and having panic attacks about pre-calc and history SOPs and dreaming of a faraway land called Paris, while Trojans was slowly killed on 102.7 The Peak every single day. I must have stacked 6000 bags of dog food to that song.

So the next chapter of my life is called University, and it's exciting and scary and yet it can't be scarier than moving to a different continent by yourself.

It was a very hard decision to decide to go home for school. There will be a part of me that will always lust for the unknown, that is never satisfied, no matter how many planes I set foot on. But what I need right now is not more risk taking, more stretching. What I need right now is not to move to Montreal two weeks after getting home. I need home, I need oceans and mountains. And I need my people. And that's okay. There is always time for more adventures. Heck, I think I've had my fair share of adventures this year, and they're not over yet.

So UBC is where I'll be next year, with my best friend by my side. And I couldn't be happier.

As for the tail end of my year of freedom, I am planning to soak up all of the sunny Paris that I can. And then there's Italy, where I'm planning to explore Rome and Cinque Terre.

Thanks for always being there. Love you always.

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